421: Journal Club- Trial and Error

In this episode, Dr's J and Santhosh once again perform their bimonthly roundup of medical stories from around the world, this time with a focus on promising technologies that seem too good to be true. Along the way they discuss the scientific process, status epilepticus, drug phase trials, Scottish scientists, menorrhagia, a vaccine for diabetes, coxsackie virus, a moment of silence for mice, diabetic teardrop monitors, tb urine tests, and more, plus a just the tip from Egypt! So Sit back as we try and try again to teach you all about what's new in medicine!

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1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28779545
3) https://www.sciencealert.com/this-vaccine-could-prevent-many-cases-of-type-1-diabetes?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Branded+Content&utm_campaign=ScienceNaturePage
4) https://labiotech.eu/contact-lens-glucose-diabetes/