434: "Cruise" Controlling your Health

In this episode, Dr's J and Ward take to the high seas to discuss the finer points of cruise ship medicine, with help from Three Stripe Ship Doctor Joel Chiu. Along the way they cover the history of pleasure cruising, hipster travel, the Titanic, calling for consults, what specialties should apply, common shipboard conditions, dealing with quarantine, the real risk of norovirus, blood transfusions, ship crypts, cruise trivia and a just the tip from the ships! So Sit back as we take you in for a water landing!

1) http://cruisemedicine.org
2) http://www.cruiselinehistory.com/a-brief-history-of-the-cruise-ship-industry/
3) https://academic.oup.com/cid/article/49/9/1312/299240
4) https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/vsp/

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