326: Journal Club-Hollywood Medicine

In this episode, Dr's J, Santhosh, and Praz once again round up the latest in medical news and breakthroughs in a journal club based on Hollywood Medicine. Along the way, they cover star trek, the creation of tricorders, cell phones, roll up windows, CSI:TravelMed, Detective Cinnamon, Living Sensor gloves, space booping, cyborgans, stem cell classification, nonsexual robot vaginas, sonic screwdrivers, treating ptsd with antibiotics, creating fear responses, and a just the tip from Singapore. So sit back, relax, and preapre to roll film as we learn what movie magic has become medical reality!

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1) Tricorder is real
2. CSI Gloves light up when touching toxins or disease
3. Newest artificial organ is thymus
4) antibiotics to treat depression- happy pills
5) Robotic vagina